Australia First



Pauline Hanson said

Those who spend time in the big cities of Australia know that the face of our country is being changed. Australia had a predominantly White population, but the Liberal-Labor parties have conspired to change Australia into a Third World nation.

Past Prime Minister Bob Hawke revealed that

The Liberal-Labor Parties, dominated by Multicultural extremists, have knowingly and against the will of the majority of Australians been steadily and stealthily turning the cities of our nation into concentrations of Third World ethnicities, to the detriment of the way of life, national identity, and survival of the Australian People.

Now, it's not just the cities; country areas are now to receive large doses of “diversity”.

The State Government of Victoria has allocated funds to rural councils to get them to bring to country areas thousands of Third World “skilled workers”.

Swamping country towns and cities with large numbers of immigrants from Africa and Asia, alongside politician-backed schemes of “Multiculturalism”, is deliberately creating a situation that many politicians hope will lead to the demise and death of the national identity of the Australian people.

Migrants from the Third World are being brought into our country without even going through proper health checks.

Because of this, we are now subjected to a rise in Australia of TB (tuberculosis), hepatitis B, typhoid, and other communicable diseases.

Under the "Regional Migration Strategy", encouraged by Sharman Stone (known to us as the "Minister for Swamping Rural Australia with Foreign Workers"), thousands of workers from overseas are to be sent to country areas to take jobs and apprenticeships that have not even been advertised to Australian workers.

Those jobs should have been going to local Aussies and to their children when they enter the workforce!

Our jobs are being given away to foreign workers!


Did you know that this was happening?

Did Liberal-Labor politicians, or the media, tell you about this? Once again the politicians have acted in a secretive manner against the true interests of the Australian people.

Write and complain to your local newspaper and your local Member of Parliament, but don't expect too much help from them as the vast majority of politicians and journalists are cast from the same anti-Australian mould.

It's time to expose the Liberal-Labor politicians as the traitors they are!

It's time to put Australian interests first.

It's time to put Australia first!

Stand up for your country, and join the
Australia First Party!

Taken from "Black Power, a Multi-Racial Society, and the Immigration Saga"
by Arthur Calwell, in his autobiography, Be Just and Fear Not

"If Australians are ever foolish enough to open their gates in a significant way to people other than Europeans, they will soon find themselves fighting desperately to stop the nation from being flooded by hordes of non-integratables. Then we will also need a Race Relations Board. None is needed now. A Race Relations Board is necessary only where there are racial problems and racial tensions. We are currently spared this rather expensive luxury."

Australia First
P.O. Box 223, Croydon, 3136

Published by the Melbourne branch of Australia First.          Join us, send a donation, get involved!