Australia First

Pauline Hanson was right!

Pauline Hanson dared to voice the concerns of ordinary Australians.
And now the Australia First Party speaks up for the future of true blue Australians.




The text of the above paragraphs has been taken from Pauline Hanson's speeches:
10 September 1996, 12 October 1996, 2 December 1996, 11 April 1997.

Was Pauline Hanson right to raise various matters of concern to the Australian people? Yes.
Did Pauline galvanise many people into action and encourage them to speak their minds? Yes.
Was Pauline Hanson perfect? No. Do we agree with every statement she ever made? No.

However, Pauline Hanson was a brave woman who stood up to persecution from the biased media (who are almost totally anti-Nationalist), stood resolute despite attacks by hateful multiculturalists, faced “legal” harassment from anti-patriotic governments, and was jailed by a morally corrupt legal/government system, until freed after a public outcry. We salute her courage.

Australia First
P.O. Box 223, Croydon, 3136

Published by the Melbourne branch of Australia First.          Join us, send a donation, get involved!